Max Shuppert video and broadcast productions
This gallery of sample videos represents some of the variety of work with which I've recently been involved.

Director, DP/Cam Op, Editor
Original art direction by Patrick Bolecek and Peter Jennings, thelab NYC.
This was a blast both to shoot and edit. Essentially, I got to go nuts with a 5D/Mk II on a dolly-mounted jib arm, a few choice lights and a digital projector - woo hoo! Many of the effects were created in-camera.
Art Director, Director, Editor
Pisco Portón recently opened up to the North American market and approached thelab NYC to create a short introductory video. I was brought in and given a demographic description of the typical Pisco Portón customer and asked to get across to him that it drinks well on its own, mixes readily, is from Peru and has a long heritage, and that the brand can be easily accessed via social media. Other than that, I was set almost completely loose.
This spot was used point-of-sale in hundreds of higher-end liquor stores throughout North America and as part of the general Pisco Portón marketing rollout. Salut!
Director, After Effects Design and Implementation
I created this interstitial element in Adobe After Effects for my television show, Books du Jour, currently airing its second season on NYC Life Channel in the greater New York City area, VOD and YouTube.
Mimicking the motion of pages flowing drove the entire idea supported by different genre of literature floating throughout the frame.
Director, DP/Cam Op, Editor, VFX
The first 20-or-so seconds I co-created with Roland Le Breton, creative director of NYC Life Channel, who also created the fun After Effects work - he is soooo good and an inspiring creative mind!
For the second part I worked solo in all the roles credited above.
Director, DP/Cam Op, Editor, Music Production
The teaser trailer for the 2015 season of Books du Jour on NYC Life Channel for which I directed, shot, edited and created the music performance with a soprano soloist I know well.
Director, DP/Cam Op, Editor, VFX
The host and EP of Book Case TV, Frederic Colier, and I took only 20 minutes after an interview shoot to create the footage for this.
A shoutout to Patrick Crockart, a terrific DP/Cam Op, for the assist with the handheld lighting and encouragement.
Director, DP/Cam Op, Editor, After Effects Production
Book Case TV aired on NYC Life Channel for two years and the opening of our tenth episode is still one of my favorites. Our host, Frederic Colier/Books Investigator (also EP of BCTV), begins weighing the notion of spirituality and existentialism (he's French - whadya' want?!) when an unwelcome visitor arrives at his door.
A good deal of After Effects work in this one and a real treat to have put together. In the role of The Visitor I am grateful for the participation of an actress I know well.
DP/Cam Op (Green screen), Opticals Consultant
Working with Underdog Productions, this entire project was captured and produced in SD. I shot all of the live action green screen footage for which I won Telly Awards in two categories for cinematography.
I'm happy to have been part of it and to have worked with such talented and professional people.
A one-day edit and a terrific experience working with the talented people at Valins&Co.
Editor, Graphics Production
Given excellent art direction from the NG team at Dentsu McGarry Bowen, I worked independently at thelab NYC creating the motion graphics and the edit.
This is a truncated version due to the original's nearly 7-minute duration. The CEO of Northrop Grumman enjoyed the finished product so much he greatly expanded their original intended use of it to successfully generate new business.
DP/Cam Op, Editor, After Effects VFX
Shot in SD, this required me to create lights and lighting effects that did not exist in the original footage as well as both 'break the glass' in the cabinet and show the result.
Extensive After Effects work in most of these shots. Wish it had been captured in HD, but a fantastic experience.
Director, DP/Cam Op, Editor
Working for the Leon Levy Foundation, I interviewed Barbara Haws and others for the LLF 10-Year Anniversary video. A delightful experience!
This gallery of sample videos represents some of the variety of work with which I've recently been involved.